Many Sun Guards served the Sith Lords directly, led by their Supreme Sun Guardian Thull Wulain, and other Sun Guards were considered for the position of prime clone in the Grand Army of the Republic. Earning fame as a mercenary unit, the Sun Guard became rivals of the Mandalorian warriors, though the group was ultimately subverted into a cult of the Sith under the influence of the Order of the Sith Lords.

Formed from the rebellious Thyrsian special forces sometime after 1154 BBY, the Sun Guard fought the Echani of the Echani Command in numerous skirmishes before the Pact of Almera in 899 BBY confirmed Thyrsus's independence.

The Sun Guard was a Thyrsian religious group, and one of the most feared mercenary units in the galaxy, centered on the planet Thyrsus in the Thyrsus system. That the armor resembles those of units with such ferocious reputations is no accident…" ― Arhul Hextrophon

" armor is derived from a pair of similar designs, the uniforms of the Death Watch of the Mandalore system and the Sun Guards of the Thyrsus system.