
Country - Japan Looking for information on the anime Sengoku Night Blood? Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. Sengoku Night Blood season 2 Sengoku Night Blood is a continuation of the popular anime based on the free-to-play otome game of the same name, created by director Katsuya Kikuchi. Despite the laudatory comments of not only anime fans, but also critics, as well as good ratings, there. Sometimes it seems like you know what Yuzuki is experiencing right now. The plot is filled with exciting scenes that make the viewer feel involved in what is happening. Oder Today Release date for Season 2 of the anime Sengoku Night Blood In the anime, a huge number of characters are involved. Kauf Bunter Read Customer Reviews & Find Best Sellers. Finde 窶ェAnime Blood窶ャ! Schau Dir Angebote von 窶ェAnime Blood窶ャ auf eBay an. テ彙er 80% neue Produkte zum Festpreis Das ist das neue eBay.